Conversation and The Outdoors is a website and blog created to serve as a hub for my investigative and creative efforts. I believe that each and every one of us is impacted by an unseen world every day. Philosophers call this unseen world the metaphysical realm while theologians refer to it as the spiritual realm. Philosophy, by the way, is a term derived from the ancient Greeks that means “love of knowledge,” “pursuit of wisdom,” and “systematic investigation” (see Online Etymology Dictionary, Philosophy). Theology, as a term, also comes to us from the Greeks, having the original meaning, “one discoursing on the gods (see Online Etymology Dictionary, Theology).” Both philosophy and theology aim to expand and define man’s knowledge of the non-material side of our existence. What comes first, man’s ideas about objects or the objects themselves? Why does the concept of meaning exist? Where does morality come from? How did life begin? What does it mean for nature to abide by “natural laws?” If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, will it make a sound? : ) These are just a few of the hundreds of questions that philosophers and theologians have been asking and discussing among themselves since the beginning of recorded human history. This website is both a learning tool and a resource hub. It is a learning tool, in that I have always found my retention of concepts I am studying to be higher when I actively employ those concepts in some manner; this website’s blog provides me this opportunity. The website is also a resource hub to the extent it will be populated with blog posts that summarize, critique, and analyze the ideas of various philosophers and theologians. I am particularly interested on how the ideas of these thinkers impact our understanding of truth, beauty, and goodness.
Who am I? (good question)
Isaac Donaldson
Isaac is a West Texan whose past experiences have included taking the audio record of legal depositions, project management, theater and music performance, film production and direction (in high school!) and academic study in political science, legal studies, public administration, and philosophy. Isaac holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Hardin-Simmons University and a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Texas at Arlington. He is currently pursuing doctoral studies in philosophy at Faulkner University. Isaac enjoys American movies and music from the 1920s through the 1950s. He has been known to break out into random Charleston dance moves while listening to The Charleston by Bob Crosby and the Bobcats.
Why am I doing this? (better question)
As mentioned above, this site serves as a learning and retention tool I’ll use as I engage with the readings and assignments prescribed by my doctoral courses. Beyond this utilitarian reason, however, I am motivated in maintaining this site by my Christian faith. I believe in a single Creator who designed all that exists and whose attributes are reflected in His creation. In studying philosophy and theology, I understand myself to be acquiring a deeper acquaintance with this Creator and His works. I desire to draw closer to the Creator through my studies. To the extent any of my investigations encourage this like motivation in others, I will count myself blessed.